
Neudosan Neu

Liquid insecticide to control sucking insects and spider mites on fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants

  • registered for a wide range of vegetables, fruits and ornamental plants
  • suitable for integrated and organic production
  • no preharvest interval, non-toxic to bees

Package sizes:

10, 20, 200 and 800 Liter can

Active ingredient

515 g/l potassium salts of natural fatty acids

The active ingredients of Neudosan® Neu are potassium salts of natural fatty acids. Neudosan® Neu is made from fatty acids selected for their insecticidal effect.

Mode of Action

After spraying with Neudosan® Neu, insects quickly die. The active ingredient disrupts the cell structure of soft-bodied insects causing the cell contents to leak out. The pests dehydrate in the spray liquid. It also damages the respiratory organs. In contrast to insecticides, which attack the nervous system of insects, the dead pests remain attached to the leaves for a short while before they wither and drop off.

Use of beneficial organisms

Neudosan® Neu makes the perfect complement to beneficial insect use. Neudosan® Neu can be applied up to a few hours before using beneficial insects because once the spray has dried, there is no risk to beneficial organisms. If beneficial insects are present, Neudosan® Neu can be applied for partial control of infestation.

Organic farming

Neudosan® Neu is certified in accordance with EU regulations for agricultural use by farms operating on organic principles.


Test results with Neudosan® Neu (effectiveness, mean value from 4 or 6 tests)

Plant compatibility

Transplanted, newly rooted plants should not be treated with Neudosan® Neu.

Ornamental plants: Cyclamen, violets, ivy, fuchsias, Calceolaria, poinsettias, Christ’s thorn, ferns, types of dracaena and sunflowers can be sensitive to treatment with Neudosan® Neu. New growth on greenhouse roses during the winter season may be damaged if directly treated with Neudosan® Neu. Flowers may not tolerate Neudosan® Neu. Testing a few plants for sensitivity before treating large collections is highly recommended.

Fruit growing: Neudosan® Neu has a slight thinning effect when sprayed during the flowering stage. Sensitive apple varieties can experience russeting if treated during and shortly after flowering. Neudosan® Neu may cause leaf burn if sprayed on varieties such as Braeburn, Gala and Kanzi. Some plum varieties (e.g. Ersinger) may lose their typical blue colour.

Vegetable gardening: Neudosan® Neu is mostly tolerated by plants. Basil plants may react with necrosis on leaves if they are treated with Neudosan.


Neudosan® Neu is applied as a 2 % solution.

The following should be noted:

1. Spray application with a high water volume

Neudosan® Neu works only on direct contact. Therefore, the plants must be thoroughly wetted from all sides. It cannot be used in a fogger.

2. Mix the spray liquid with soft water

Water hardness above 250 mg/l calcium carbonate decreases the effectiveness. High iron content in the water can also reduce the effectiveness.

3. Spray at low temperatures and little direct sunlight

The best time to spray with Neudosan® Neu is in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler and humidity is higher. The longer the plant surface remains wet after spraying (at least 10 minutes), the more effective the treatment.

4. Recommendations

Neudosan® Neu is effective against adult insects and older larval stages of whitefly as well as spider mite control. Repeat the application at intervals of 5-7 days to control the pests hatching from eggs or young larvae at a later stage. The spray should be applied in the early morning hours when the adult insects are still inactive on the leaves.

Examples for Dose rates/Areas of application

Plants Pests Areas of appication Application rates
Field beans Sucking insects 18 L in 180 L water/ha
Field peas Sucking insects
Lupin species Sucking insects
Fruit Growing
Pome fruit Sucking insects (except woolly aphid and pear psyllids) Spider mites Open field 10 L in 500 L water/ha per metre of crown height
Stone fruit Sucking insects Open field
Soft fruit Sucking insects Open field 20 L in 1000 L water/ha
Strawberries Aphids Open field 40 L in 2000 L water/ha
Ornamental Plants Ornamental plant/shrubs Aphids (incl. Sitka spruce aphid, except woolly broadleaf tree
and conifer aphids and gall-forming aphids) Spider mites Whitefly
Open field greenhouse Open field, greenhouse Greenhouses Crop height:
< 50 cm: 18 L in 900 L water/ha
50-125 cm: 27 L in 1350 L water/ha
> 125 cm: 36 L in 1800 L water/ha
Vegetable gardening
Leaf and stem vegetables Aphids (except mealy cabbage aphid) Open field Crop height:
< 50 cm: 18 L in 900 L water/ha
50-125 cm: 27 L in 1350 L water/ha
> 125 cm: 36 L in 1800 L water/ha
Fruiting vegetables Whitefly Aphids, spider mites Greenhouses Open field, greenhouse
Leaf vegetables & fresh herbs Sucking insects Greenhouses
Bulb vegetables and legume vegetables Sucking insects Open field
Brassica, root and tuber vegetables Sucking insects Open field, greenhouse
Bean sprouts and young vegetable plants Sucking insects Greenhouses

Environmental compatibility data

Beneficial organisms: Harmless to predatory mites (Typhlodromus pyri), lacewings and ladybirds. It is slightly harmful to predatory mites (Amblyseius andersoni) and chalcidoid wasp (Trichogramma cacoeciae). Harmful to hover flies.

Bees: Product is not harmful to bees. (German registration)

Water: No requirements regarding water protection areas. The product is toxic to fish food sources but non-toxic to fish. Waters distance conditions: see

Preharvest interval: None


This product information does not replace the instructions for use. Please refer to the instructions for use for current application regulations and certification procedures. Use insecticides with care. Always read the label and product information sheet before use. Pay attention to warnings and warning symbols in the instructions.



Zum Seitenanfang
Progema® is a company of the Neudorff group